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Looking to get restaurants involved in Food Waste Prevention? 


Restaurants are in a special position to communicate with the public about food waste. If your restaurant is interested in being a part of Food Waste Prevention Week, click the link below and we'll spread the word about your event.

ideas to get your Restaurant involved

Social Media

Use social media to share FWPW materials and also to tell stories, anything from composting to kitchen practices, about how your restaurant reduces waste.

Special Dishes

Create a special dish that makes use of an often tossed ingredient. It could be something that you’re throwing away or something that home cooks often throw away. Use social media and/or restaurant or menu signage to tell the story of the dish. For ideas, check out these dishes created by Washington, DC restaurants.

highlight a dish

Highlight a dish already on your menu that showcases how you use each ingredient to its fullest. Use social media and/or restaurant or menu signage to tell the story of the dish. For ideas, check out the “menu mainstays” section of this page about DC restaurants.

Host an event

Host an event where you serve dishes that help reduce waste–anything from small bites to a plated meal.

Organize a food-waste-fighting tour

Work with other restaurants or an outside organizer to set up a walking tour of restaurants. At each stop, a restaurant representative will speak briefly about steps to reduce waste and participants will be offered small bites. Here’s what this looked like in DC one year.

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